Friday, January 29, 2010

Harold of the Night

And to think Harold's Mother thought he would go nowhere in life with a degree in Magical Music Theory.


  1. Haha I LOVE the sentence! This sketch makes me think of "Le Petit Prince"... I LOVE THAT STORY! I LOVE this sketch. I think you should write a comic about this character, or an illustrated story book.

  2. this reminds me of that bard we had in our party for one campaign who ended up winning us a bunch of hopeless battles. who woulda thought!

  3. I second Jill. And yeah, the description made me literally laugh out loud. Awesome.

  4. Thanks Mandi I live you make you laugh. I Also think Bards are way under appreciated Ana. And Jill I did consider writing a little story about this drawing while I was doing it.. I might.
