Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Place to BE

This is the first post of the new sketch club/ drawing jam for any artists/sketchers/doodlers who want to participate! The goals are to have fun, and enjoy! The first theme will be posted on Wednesday? Is that a good day? We'll figure out the rules/ideas/layouts as soon as we're settled! Anyone is welcome, tell your friends! =D

Edit: Just realized I should explain what this IS exactly.

Each week one of us will post a theme (we can all take turns!) and anytime during that next week, we post a piece of art on the blog relating in any way to the theme!

Here is an example:


Not all of them do the "theme" thing, I don't think. And we don't "HAVE" to either, I just think it'd be a fun way to keep people on track!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant idea. Lookin forward to gettin it started.
